Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Treatment For Migraines
About 36 million people in America suffer from migraines. It is considered one of the most debilitating headaches that often come with an aura. A sensory disturbance that includes light sensitivity, blind spots, limb tingling to name a few. The pain could last for hours or may extend longer and in many cases, medications often provide minimal relief.
The underlying cause of migraine is still unknown but there are theories which suggest that it might be due to an irregular brain activity resulting in a brief shift in the nerve signals and circulation of the brain. Such reports can frustrate those who are suffering from this condition. Luckily, a new chiropractic technique provides hope for migraine sufferers.
At Stinson Chiropractic Clinic, we practice Atlas Orthogonal technique that can help tackle migraine pain. It is an effective, painless procedure that re-aligns the spine and recovers its proper nerve functioning through correcting the position of the atlas - the first bone in the spine. A dispositioned atlas can hinder proper circulation of the brain and may result in alteration of the chemical flow and nerve signals of the nervous system. Atlas Orthogonal exactly addresses these problems and provides instant and permanent relief to migraine sufferers.
Most of our patients who underwent Atlas Orthogonal reported relief from migraines after their very first visit. We would like to explain more about the procedure, contact Stinson Chiropractic Clinic if you think you are a good candidate for this treatment.