Dr. Stinson: Today is August 17, 2011, and we’re here with Jasmine. Jasmine first entered the office back in January, she has a history of headaches. And Jasmine, I’m going to turn it over to you just a little bit, can you tell me when your headaches first started.
Jasmine: They first started when I was in sixth grade and I’m in eighth grade now.
Dr. Stinson: How often would you have headaches?
Jasmine: I had a headache everyday, and they were pretty bad.
Dr. Stinson: What do you mean “pretty bad”? Do they send you home from school for headaches?
Jasmine: I just slipped an Advil but didn’t really work.
Dr. Stinson: Okay. And the last time we adjusted you was back in March, March 16 of this year and we adjusted you twice. And can you tell me how many headaches have you had since we adjusted you back in March?
Jasmine: I haven’t had any.
Dr. Stinson: Great. Now, what else have you done for your headaches? Did you take a lot of Advil and Tylenol, things like that?
Jasmine: Yeah, I just took a lot of Advil.
Dr. Stinson: And it did really help you?
Jasmine: No, not at all. Well maybe it did for a few minutes, but that was it.
Dr. Stinson: Okay. Jasmine, I want to thank you for being on our video today.
Jasmine: You’re welcome.
Dr. Stinson: Okay, today is August 12, 2011 and we’re here with Amy. Amy, if you could give us a little background about your headaches, when you started getting them, how bad they were, how they would affect your life, and how they’re doing now.
Amy: I’m 26 and I’ve had them all my life, taken all sorts of medication for them, never been recommended to a chiropractor or referred to a chiropractor before. I actually came here for something different and you spoke to me about the headaches.
Dr. Stinson: How often would you get them?
Amy: Probably at least once a week, so pretty frequently.
Dr. Stinson: And will they last a couple days?
Amy: Usually yes, so definitely at least once a day. Usually, the longest one I had, probably 7 days. So pretty long, yes.
Dr. Stinson: How intense were they?
Amy: Very intense.
Dr. Stinson: And will the medication get rid of the headaches?
Amy: No, no, usually. Yes, and I mean it sometimes would alleviate some of the pain, but usually not eradicate it.
Dr. Stinson: Okay. At this point it’s been, let’s see when you first entered the office, you first entered the office December of 2010. And from December of 2010 up to this point, how often are you having a headache and how intense do they get?
Amy: They’ve decreased in frequency and intensity, a lot. Sorry that’s not a very good adjective to use but they’ve decreased considerably. The neck pain has been decreased considerably, that was my biggest thing, the neck pain that comes along with the headache. I’d usually get one, I’d say, maybe once a month now, but maybe every other month. And they definitely don’t last, usually, I mean past a day.
Dr. Stinson: Fabulous.
Amy: Yeah, so they’ve helped a lot. You’ve helped a lot.
Dr. Stinson: Well, I want to thank you for being on our video.
Amy: Thank you.